Articles Tagged with fishkill estate plan

When people think of estate planning, they do not automatically think of utilizing retirement planning strategies to maximize their estate’s potential. However, there are many benefits available during retirement that can have a significant impact on how you plan your estate. One such vehicle that can allow for more comprehensive estate planning is a Roth IRA. Roth IRAs are a type of retirement savings account similar to a traditional IRA but with some very important differences that could be beneficial to you. CNN Money provides an explanation of the differences between the two types of accounts, and some of the benefits of Roth IRAs that could be applicable to your estate are discussed below.

Benefits of a Roth IRA

The main benefit of a Roth IRA is that it is funded with after-tax dollars. In other words, the money you put into it has already been taxed. That means that money invested into the account can grow tax free and you do not have to pay taxes on the money you withdraw from it at retirement. There are, however, potential tax penalties associated with unqualified early distributions that an experienced estate planning attorney can help you understand.

Comprehensive estate planning can be an extremely complicated process for an individual. This is even more true when the individual owns a business. The owners of closely held businesses own businesses with a limited number of shareholders and the stock in such businesses is not regularly traded publicly. While this type of business can provide many benefits for business owners, it can also create issues when one of the business owner dies. However, structuring a buy-sell agreement for a closely held business can help make estate planning easier when it comes to your interest in such a business.

Redemption Agreements

With a redemption agreement, the company itself purchases a life insurance policy on the various owners of the company. When one of those owners die, the sole owner of the life insurance policy – in this case, the company – will receive the benefits of the life insurance policy and can buy back the deceased shareholder’s shares. There are some potentially negative tax consequences for this type of arrangement, including the possibility of the business to be subject to the current corporate alternative minimum tax on the proceeds from the life insurance policy.

Comprehensive estate planning is a deeply personal process. There are so many different factors to consider, and working with an experienced estate planning attorney can help streamline the process and ensure that you explore all of the aspects of estate planning that pertain to you. One of the most difficult parts of comprehensive estate planning is selecting a guardian for your minor children if both parents should become deceased or incapacitated at the same time, leaving neither able to care for any shared children. As difficult as the process can be, it is extremely important to undertake it so that the best interests of your children are provided for in a worst-case scenario. The following are some tips in approaching the guardian selection process and provide some important considerations for you to remember when selecting a guardian, and an experienced estate planning attorney can help you with the process.

  1.     Choose Compatible People

Most people put a great deal of planning and thought into how they choose to parent. It is important for your peace of mind as well as your children’s well-being that you select individuals that share a similar parenting style and outlook. If academics are important in your household, make sure that they are also important to prospective guardians. Additionally, making sure that individuals you are considering as guardians are ready to undertake the responsibility that comes with it is extremely important.

As we remind our clients, tax concerns are a major part of a comprehensive estate planning strategy. Anticipating the potential tax consequences related to your estate as well as those that might arise prior to, during, or after the disposition of your assets is an integral part of making sure your loved ones don’t inherit a significant tax burden that limits the amount of assets you pass to them. For some individuals, private annuities may offer a way to avoid the high costs of estate taxes, gift taxes, and other taxes related to estate planning.

The Benefits of Private Annuities

Basically, private annuities can be used to help reduce your potential estate tax liability while avoiding the gift tax and securing a steady stream of income for the grantor. They are termed “private” because they are privately structured rather than created by some commercial entity. A private annuity allows the individual to essentially transfer that asset to the heir in exchange for lifetime payments for the property. As the person receiving the property will be paying the grantor for it, private annuities typically count as a sale instead of as a gift of property.

Estate planning is heavily dependent upon the law both at the time of planning and at a person’s time of death. The law is constantly changing, especially laws that impact estate planning. That is why it is crucial to make sure that you work with an experienced estate planning attorney that can help you stay abreast of changes in the law that could affect your estate plan. Recently, such a change occurred regarding the estate tax and lien releases.

What is an estate tax lien?

Internal Revenue Code 6324 says that a federal estate tax lien is put in place on the day a person passes away. This allows taxable assets to be determined, at which point property may become subject to an assessment lien until such time as any taxes due are paid in full. What this means is that the executor of a person’s estate, or the people responsible for the disposition of the deceased person’s property, cannot dispose of real property until it is discharged from either the estate tax lien or the assessment tax lien. If you try to dispose of any real property prior to it being discharged, the buyer of the property will be unable to take the property free and clear of any liens that may be placed on it. This could cause unexpected delays and other issues related to the disposition of property within an estate. By placing such liens, the Internal Revenue Service is able to ensure that any taxes due to it by the deceased or as part of the deceased’s estate are actually paid.

The World Intellectual Property Organization defines intellectual property as “creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names, and images sued in commerce.” Typically, intellectual property is protected by legal mechanisms such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights that help people achieve and maintain recognition and financial benefits from things they have created. While intellectual property has many specific laws to help govern it and some attorneys choose to focus their practice on intellectual property law, intellectual property is personal property and can be an important part of comprehensive estate planning.

Distributing Intellectual Property

There are several considerations that come into play when determining how to distribute intellectual property. For some people, intellectual property can be the main source of their financial livelihood. Others may have inherited or otherwise acquired certain intellectual property rights throughout their lifetime and use them for supplemental income purposes. Regardless of the way in which you came to possess intellectual property, if you want to continue benefiting from it then you can and should keep personal possession of it until you no longer depend on or desire the income from it. If you do maintain control over intellectual property, make sure that you have provided for its distribution in your estate planning in case of unforeseen circumstances.

There comes a time in many people’s lives when their adult children begin to help out with daily tasks. For some people this includes writing checks and paying bills. Many people begin to wonder if they should take steps to make being taken care of easier for their caregivers. In these cases, the question arises “why not just add your adult child to your bank account?”.

The Pros

The most obvious and powerful positive for adding an adult child to your bank account is ease of access. As joint owner, your child will be able to access funds from the account in order to assist you with bill paying and other financial matters.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. left behind a legacy of peace and understanding, but he may have been surprised by the legacy that his estate is forging. Last Friday, a Fulton County Superior Court Judge declined to make a ruling in a dispute over two items left behind by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, his Bible and his Nobel Peace Prize. Fox News reports that the case over these two items is likely to go to trial, with King’s estate, controlled by his two sons, against their sister, Bernice. This is only one of many lawsuits that have crept up in years past over the legacy of Dr. King.

Managing Estate Assets and Legacies

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s estate is not technically what many would consider an estate in the traditional sense. It is not a probate estate, with his assets being liquidated according to his will. Rather, Dr. King’s estate is the for-profit Martin Luther King Jr. Estate Inc. with his three surviving children being the sole shareholders and directors. As the sole shareholders and directors, his three children control Dr. King’s name, image, likeness and his possessions.

We’ve already discussed Prince’s passing previously here on the Estate Planning blog.  Prince, one of the most successful music artists of all time, passed away without leaving a will. This means that he died intestate, and the laws of the state he was domiciled in dictate who will inherit from his estate. That almost universally means that your closest living relatives, usually a spouse or child, will inherit in an intestate situation, but this can get tricky. In Prince’s case, siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins and now self-proclaimed children have come out of the woodwork to lay claim to the late singer’s vast fortune and catalogue of music. Prince has no acknowledged surviving children, who would be near the front of the line in an intestate situation. So how exactly do you go about proving you’re the son of a decedent?

Acknowledged Children, Have No Fear

New York intestacy law is very clear on who will inherit when the deceased is intestate. If there is a spouse but no children the spouse inherits everything. If there are children but no spouse, the children inherit everything. If there is a spouse and children, the spouse inherits the first $50,000 plus half of the balance of the estate, with the children splitting the rest.


In 2014 Pew charitable trust published a study that showed that fewer Americans are entering into marriage in the first place, fewer than ever before.  Currently the number of people over the age of 25 who were never married is at approximately 20%.  In terms of raw numbers, 42 million Americans have never been married.  The percentage of Americans over the age of 25 married reached a peak in about 1960, with approximately nine percent of Americans never married.  Part and parcel of the same trend is the number of adults who never had children.  Given the fact that it is entirely biologically possible that men could have children but never know it, but for all intents and purposes impossible for the same to be true of women, the statistics only track women who never had a child.  The number of women who never had a child peaked at about 2006 at about 20% of the population.  

The number is, as of 2015 currently at 15%.  So many cultural mores have changed in the last two generations that the pace is historically unprecedented.  The law in America has generally always been responsive to social changes, even if it is too slow for some.  Compared to some nations, American law is downright revolutionary in how progressive it can be.  At the same time, estate planning for the never married does not need new doctrines or a change in the law.  Instead it requires an experienced and forward thinking estate planning attorney to properly document the wishes of the client and to put them into effect through the choice of certain financial tools, trusts or other planning.  Some planning, even if imperfect is better than no planning.

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